MDSI Outstanding Thesis & Dissertation Awards

MDSI is happy to announce annual outstanding thesis and dissertation awards for this year 2024, to promote and give a global platform to showcase the research of graduate, post graduate and doctoral students in the field of movement disorders. We hope to highlight the research being done in various areas -clinical, basic sciences, allied health sciences and other fields such as engineering and provide a network for further research

Eligibility Criteria

  • The thesis should be on movement disorders research from India.
  • The thesis should be the work of a graduate, post graduate, doctoral student in any field.
  • The thesis should have been submitted this year (September 2023 to August 2024).

Three different categories of theses

  • Clinical  – Thesis pertaining to clinical aspects (for e.g epidemiology, diagnostic markers, medical and surgical therapies, prognostic markers etc) belong to this category
  • Basic Sciences – Thesis pertaining to basic sciences (for e.g., underlying disease pathophysiology, lab and animal models etc) belong to this category.
  • Allied health aspects – Thesis pertaining to impact of allied health sciences on movement disorders ( physiotherapy, speech therapy, psychological aspects, computational models etc) belong to this category.

Candidate should select the category in which they are applying

Last day of Submission

December 15th 2024