Endorsement for Scientific Programs Application Form 

(All fields marked with * are required)

Name of the Scientific Program (Conference/ CME/
Workshop/ Symposium/ Teaching Course/ etc.) *
Date *
Venue *
Objectives of the meeting *
Mobile Number *
Degree Course for which thesis has been/ is being submitted *
Target audience/ delegates *
Expected number of delegates *
Details of Registration charges for the Delegates *
Number of Faculty(National / International / Both)* *
Source(s) of Funding: *
Is the Scientific Program offering CME credit points from Medical Council?
Is the proposed Scientific Program seeking/ offered
endorsement by any other Scientific Organization/ Society?*

Upload Scientific Program File

(Only JPG, JPEG, PNG & PDF file allowed, up to 2 MB only)  *

Upload Brochure File

(Only JPG, JPEG, PNG & PDF file allowed, up to 2 MB only)  *